Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Day Wasted...

A day wasted is never a day worth living. Life is too short to take for granted, I know this and yet, I don't seem to be doing anything to change my own life. However, I think that people can know what could happen and why it will happen. Yet they will still let a day be wasted. Then again if you know it was wasted and did something in that day that can be said to have been productive, is it still wasted? I say no, because even the smallest of thoughts can be productive.

Time, is a true constant.
It grows beside you,
Just not necessarily with you.
Time, is forever and never.
It is not good to wait for it,
Because it does not wait for you.

Let feelings and thoughts be heard.
It is within ourselves,
That we find our self
We feel different,
As the experience changes.
Because to experience
Is to live.

To live is to experience,
Experience time.
So even a wasted day,
Is never really wasted.
It is only experienced,
In a different way,
Than other days.

Because life is what it is...

Certain situations, discussions, experiences, etc. can only be described as how they are thought. And how things are thought can only be thought about in such a way, because experience gives us something to think about. The only thing that can be thought for and about is experience. It is experience of time and action that drives the mind.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

I simply don't understand how taking one eye from someone who has two eyes , and that same person taking the others eye makes them blind. They still both have one eye. I think however it means that people become narrow minded if they argue on low levels involving intolerance. With intolerance comes hate and with hate comes violence of some sort. However with tolerance comes understanding and with understanding comes everything else.

Accept all,
Even if all does not
Accept you.
For with such an open mind
Can come a greater

Only with understanding
can we accept others.
We can not accept
Without tolerance
We can not understand.

Things are the way they are, because they are something that can not be fully understood.

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